Dove | #SpeakBeautiful

#SpeakBeautiful was a partnership between Dove and Twitter to help combat online negativity around women’s appearance. While trolls continue to be huge part of the problem online, research showed that 80% of body-negative comments about women were coming from other women. Our campaign worked to change the conversation, generating more than 5.9 million Tweets, with 400,000 mentioning the brand directly.

Recognition: Effie Awards Silver, Shorty Award for Best Use of Twitter and Best Use of Hashtag, AdWeek Best Use of Social


Oscar-night launch spot

While much of the campaign played out on Twitter, our launch spot aired during Oscar night — when beauty and appearance are top of mind.


#SpeakBeautiful Effect landing page

The campaign and social media drove to this landing page, where you could enter your own Twitter handle for data analysis around your own tweets.